kb-bergen-36_origtablet-teachers-bergenIm Rahmen unseres Erasmus + Projekts waren die Tablet-Teachers beim diesjährigen internationalen Kongress in Bergen in Norwegen Teilnehmer und Mitorganisatoren. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Veranstaltung steht die Fragestellung: Wie muss sich die Lehrerausbildung im Bereich des Mobilen Lernens ändern, damit der Umgang mit mobilen Endgeräten (Tablets) sinnvoll in den Schulalltag gebracht werden kann?!

Da Tablets mittlerweile weltweit in die Bildungslandschaft Einzug gefunden haben, ist es spannend zu sehen, wie sie in Australien, Venezuela oder den USA in den Unterricht integriert werden. Auf der Homepage unseres Projektes können Sie nähere Informationen erhalten (www.mttep.eu).

Weitere Informationen zu diesem Event: Quelle: http://mttep.weebly.com/multiplier-bergen-september-2016.html

Mobile Learning in Teacher Education: Conference Bergen, Norway: 21-22nd September 2016

The Multiplier event in Bergen, Norway took place from the 21-22nd September, 2016.  Places were limited and subsidies for the event were allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

This event will showcased the emerging deliverables from the MTTEP project including a mobile learning toolkit for teachers and a selection of exemplary iBooks about the use of mobile technologies in teacher education.  In addition it featured contributions from practitioners, teacher educators and researchers from across and beyond Europe and gave the  opportunity to join a new mobile learning network that will promote the use of mobile technologies in teacher education.

Like the previous multiplier event in Karlsruhe, Germany, this event was subsidised by a grant from the EU which contributed towards some of the costs of attending the event (approximately €200 per person).

Bergen University College, Norway

The programme for the multiplier is available as are downloads from a number of the sessions, photographs and an attendance list:

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